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Recognition of as yet acquired degrees

For recognition you need:

  • Your degree certificates (Bachelor and Master)
  • the corresponding Transcripts of Records
  • in case you do not have a degree in Philosophy, module manuals of the completed courses of study

Please send these documents as an email attachment to the PhD admissions committee member of the Philosophy Department, currently Prof. Dr. Lohmar:


Please note:

Your request can only be processed if you completely submit the above mentioned documents.

All requests will be processed in the order of receipt. As a rule, a processing time of 20 working days can be taken into account. Please have that in mind with regard to possible application deadlines at the a.r.te.s. Graduate School.

We usually send the recognition document directly to the Admissions Office of the a.r.te.s Graduate School.

Questions regarding the application process at the a.r.te.s. Graduate School should be directed to the Admission Office of the a.r.te.s. Graduate School: promotionsbuero-phil-fakSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de
